Change towards a better society with education and knowledge. Today Mpraeso branch YMCA is synonymous with the school.
The school was established in October, 1996 as a day-care Centre with five boys and six girls. This has grown to be a basic school with interesting statistics.
The school, since its inception, has enrolled two thousand six hundred and forty one (2,641) pupils.
The present (January, 2020) enrollment are:
Nursery | 15 | 16 | 31 |
KG 1 | 23 | 21 | 44 |
KG 2A & B | 39 | 21 | 60 |
Stage 1 | 24 | 25 | 49 |
Stage 2 | 22 | 24 | 46 |
Stage 3 | 30 | 26 | 56 |
Stage 4 | 26 | 21 | 47 |
Stage 5 | 24 | 30 | 54 |
Stage 6 | 28 | 25 | 53 |
JHS 1 | 22 | 28 | 50 |
JHS 2 | 13 | 13 | 26 |
JHS 3 | 07 | 23 | 30 |
273 | 273 | 546 |

The school management board consists of:
- Asomaning Director
- Francis Brebo Opong Headmaster
- Felicia Amponsah Wiafe Assistant headmistress
- Alexander Nana Awere Accounts Officer
Plus a professional/experienced person among the staff normally appointed to assist in adhoc decision making.
The employee strength of the school is thirty two (32) and is made up of
- Seventeen (17) permanent classroom teachers
- Seven (7) part-time subject teachers for the Junior High School.
- Eight (8) non-teaching staff for sedentary and menial jobs.
Mpraeso branch with the school was one of the two chosen to pilot the German Internship Programme. In this programme the branch was selected to host one or two German youths for a specific number of month in the rolling years.

The parties to the programme have specific obligation to fulfil. The host was expected to provide a decent and basic accommodation. Again the host was to act as “loco parentis” to the interns. The guest were asked to pay an agreed fixed amount every month for utilities.
Mpraeso YMCA and the school have successfully hosted a total number of five German youths between September 2014 to September 2018. These youths are Frederike Naite Siemers, Robin Scheidereiter, Yannick Jager, Sebastian Frigger and Nils Jasper (Nana Yaw) Otminghaus in 2017/2018, Thorben Koelsch und Max Suedhoff in 2018/2019, Jonas Kaupp and Marvin-Julian Martin in 2019/2020. These guests had the opportunity and conducive environment among other things to:
- Help in the training of the youth in the school and association activities.
- Under study and take part in Ghanaian culture and other social life.
- Teach or work in the school
- Explore the communities and visit or tour important places of interest in the country.
- Learn the indigenous language, eat our foods, learn the preparation of some of our local food and experience our way of doing things.
- Consciously learn how to live independently away from home and German Parents.
The mantle of this programme is now on Jonas and Marvin. They are in the best position to discuss this programme for its sustenance or otherwise.
Management has been fortunate and lucky to work with hardworking and dedicated employees especially class and subject teachers.
- The school leads in turning out brilliant students in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE)
The school always scores hundred percent pass with excellent grades in BECE. Again for the past four years eight pupils have been proud recipients of president’s education award in Kwahu South District.
Two pupils, a boy and a girl from the school are slated for the 2020 Presidential Award for Best student-(BECE) in the district.
- The school continues to show competitive spirit and excellence in quiz competitions organized within and outside the district.
Mpraeso YMCA School dropped from winning the first position in the maiden 2018 contest to second in last year’s Easter Mpraeso Caucus organized JHS 3 core subject (Maths, Science, English and Social Studies) quiz.
Some of the prizes received in the maiden event included
Three bicycles for the three contestants
- Projector
- Refrigerator
- Six hundred exercise books shared to the entire pupils and teachers.
- Reference textbooks for the teachers.
- Sets of jersey for boys and girls.
- Footballs and accessories.
Mpraeso YMCA School is leaving no stone unturned in her preparation towards this year’s 2020 Easter Quiz.
- In co-curricular activities the school put up splendid performance. The school recorded enviable position in sports and games as well as Ghana’s Independence Day March pasts in the districts.
- Mpraeso YMCA has established a well sort-out basic school for children/wards of government employees on transfer to the district capital and the adjoining towns.
Search for academic minded School, disciplined school and school with conducive learning environment in the Kwahu south District and your best find shall be Mpraeso YMCA School.

It is on record that the teaching and learning materials i.e. the projectors, library books, the sports equipment (football, jerseys volley ball, nets etc.) and other educational materials sent to the school by you- the regional and national secretariat, the Parents of German interns on visit, Eckard, Kwabena, Daniel and financial support from Essen West CVJM members are your genuine support for your success.
Above all your regular working visits, words of encouragement, sense of direction and hardworking spirits of employee and YMCA members are all key drivers for our great success.
With your continued support Mpraeso branch Ghana YMCA and Mpraeso YMCA preparatory & Junior High School wish to say the sky is our limit.
Long live Mpraeso YMCA,
Long live Eastern Regional Ghana YMCA Secretariat,
Long live National Ghana YMCA secretariat,
Long live World YMCA’s.